When Visiting the Farm.

What to wear:

SHOES: No shoes with open toes/sandals, no flip-flops.  Sneakers, Boot, crocs - preferably shoes  that can get wet /muddy (or some chose to bring separately in a bag - crocs, boots, or water shoes) for playing in the stream.

CLOTHING: Please have children dress for weather, layers are helpful,  in clothing that may get dirty.  We have plans both indoors and out, and camp will be held rain or shine. (Some of our favorite farm day memories are from rainy days!)

For Yoga:  If you’ll be practicing yoga – Please have children wear comfortable clothing they can move in for yoga class. Girls wearing skirts will be most comfortable with shorts underneath.  We offer yoga in bare feet or sock feet.

For Art: We have smocks available for the children, but at times, paint/glue sneaks onto clothing.  Children may want to consider wearing clothing they don¹t mind getting a bit dirty.

What to bring:

Nothing should be needed. 

Please do not bring toys from home – it becomes a challenge for staff as children set them down and then can’t find them. (It is a big property when a special toy is lost and a child is panicked.)

We ask that children do not bring cell phones to camp.  If a child feels that they need a phone, they are welcome to use mine – thank you!

MEDICAL NEEDS: Please bring inhalers/epipens if needed – labeled with child’s name, and a snack from home, if child has severe allergies.)

SNACK: We have water available at all times. On camp and special event days we provide snack. (We don’t typically have snack at our one hour farm chore days.)

Children with food allergies: Due to a number of recent recalls of packaged food that had contamination, we ask that anyone with food allergies provide a safe snack from home.